Abundant Africa is published by:
A huge thank you to all who have contributed to this report. Being a collaborative report not all the contributors endorse everything in the final text. We ask for grace from both collaborators and readers. This is the start of a journey of discernment together. We hope you will join future discussions as iron sharpens iron.
Contributors: Afiwa Allahare; Mao Amis; Valerie Anderson; Maria Andrade; Giuliana Areington; Charles Bakolo; Muyiwa Bamgbose; Doug Barnett; Stanley Baya; Robert Botha; Phyllis Byrd; Sas Conradie; Abdul Conteh; Paul Cook; Fwangmun Oscar Danladi; Stephan De Beer; Benvictor Dibankap; Thobeka Dodo; Roger Dickinson; Gcina Dube; Phumza Dyani; Bosela Eale; Pete Evans; Aiah Foday-Khabenje; Naomi Foxwood; Thandi Gamedze; Lesmore Ger; John Gichumu; Miles Giljam; Rich Gower; Ross Harvey; Selena Headley; Marlie Holtzhausen; Rudolf Kabutz; Martin Kapenda; Julia Kendal; Annie Kirke; Sinan Kitagenda; Clive Lawler; Uwezo Lele; Liu Liu; Harry Loubsher; Rachel Mash; Ulan Garba Matta; Qobo Mayisa; Stephen Mbogo; Ntando Mlambo; Vezinhlahla Mncwango; Namhla Mniki; Hannington Muyenge; Janet Mwenda; Fidon Mwombeki; Sarah Namiiro; Carol Nganga; Ben Niblett; Moss Nthla; Mandla Nyati; Paul Ojuman; Darius Okella; June Omune; Sarah Onduko; Ben Osawe; Collins Shava; Gorden Simango; Nick Simpson; Luthando Tofu; Dennis Tongoi; Yared Tsegay; Ruth Valerio; Marcus van Wyk; Sophia Varley; Racheal Wambui; Gladys Wathanga; Nobuntu Webster; Sue Willsher; Nana Yaw; as well as, the Tearfund Africa Cluster teams; the EES Theology Africa consultations; the African Council for Accreditation and Accountability (AfCAA); Business as Mission; Institute for Urban Ministry; and Arocha. Abundant Africa coordinator: Miles Giljam. Design: Helen Eldridge. Copy editing: Lindsey Moyo. Proof reading: Paula Marais. Photos – attributed.
1st Edition. © Abundant Africa 2021